
Showing posts from September, 2022

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Sin Redes Sociales Durante Más de 3 años Entre 2018-2020 & 1 Mes

2018: En el 2018 tuve una temporada donde senti que Dios queria que cojiera mas tiempo estudiando Su biblia. Tengan en cuenta que he ido a la iglesia en el pasado, tantas veces que puedo pensar. Yo era una buena persona (todavía lo soy). Siempre fui reservada y nunca realmente una mariposa social, pero cuando la gente me hablaba, respondía porque no quería ser grosera. Solo estoy tratando de describir mi comunicación con respecto a la socialización. Eventualmente, decidí escuchar la indicación de eliminar mis cuentas de redes sociales en Diciembre de 2017. Lo hice... eliminé cada pulgada de las redes sociales que tenía activada. Decidí eliminar las distracciones, no porque las redes sociales no sean una buena fuente de herramientas... sino porque necesitaba concentrarme en mí misma, en mi curación, en mi proceso de restauración. Eventualmente continué asistiendo a la iglesia, me mantuve comprometida a asistir al servicio de la iglesia y no faltar ni un solo día. Tomaría notas basadas e

No Social Media for Over 3 Years Between 2018-2020 & 1 Month

2018: In 2018, I had a season where I felt the Lord lead me to take out time to study His word more. Keep in mind, I've been to church in the past, so many times that I can think of. I was a nice person (still am). I was always reserved and never really a social butterfly, but when people would speak to me, I would speak back because I didn't want to be rude. I'm just trying to describe my communication in regard to socializing. I eventually decided to listen to the prompting in deleting my social media accounts back in December 2017. I did that, and deleted every inch of social media I had up. I decided to remove distractions, not because social media isn't a good source of tools...but because I needed to focus on myself, my healing, and my process of restoration. I eventually continued to attend church, stayed committed to attending church service, and did not miss not even one day. I would take notes based on the preachings and receive my portion. Then I would keep t