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No Social Media for Over 3 Years Between 2018-2020 & 1 Month


In 2018, I had a season where I felt the Lord lead me to take out time to study His word more. Keep in mind, I've been to church in the past, so many times that I can think of. I was a nice person (still am). I was always reserved and never really a social butterfly, but when people would speak to me, I would speak back because I didn't want to be rude. I'm just trying to describe my communication in regard to socializing. I eventually decided to listen to the prompting in deleting my social media accounts back in December 2017. I did that, and deleted every inch of social media I had up. I decided to remove distractions, not because social media isn't a good source of tools...but because I needed to focus on myself, my healing, and my process of restoration. I eventually continued to attend church, stayed committed to attending church service, and did not miss not even one day. I would take notes based on the preachings and receive my portion. Then I would keep the notes at home. I had plans to have in my hands, all the notebooks I've written on during such season, but due to so much of them, I decided to declutter. I wasn't just focused on getting my relationship with God together, but my health, and well-being. Not because I lacked it but I just wanted to emphasize more of it. It's something I love to do, not because of selfishness or selfish ambition, but because I recognized the value of life and its importance of it.

In regarding school, I was still going to college during this season and I remember I attended Spring 2018, alongside Fall 2020, etc. I took a year's gap away from my college experience in 2019. But I stayed busy during those years continuing my biblical studies on my own and serving at home by doing productive things. I tried learning how to cook certain things, but I admit that not everything came out with so much flavor. However, I learned to honestly look at what I like instead of following trends. So I would cook during these seasons since I was mostly home. I would attend college in person until the pandemic occurred and had to go remotely. I eventually got baptized in August.2018. My first baptism and last one, I believe. I would attend female Christian events and other Christian activities. I start interning too!

Three reasons would be: to not feel distracted within my relationship with God, to get myself together, and to focus on better health stewardship. Focus on career goals too.


During this season, I was devoted more to God. But the difference is I started to serve God not as much more in the spiritual things: like prayer. But in physical means. I literally started singing in front of others. I honestly feel like I wasn't afraid because I felt like it was something I wanted to do and God was preparing my heart to do it. But the practice sections would take a toll on me. We would have to practice for hours and continuously repeat material. Not because it's a burden to serve God, but because the physical body gets tired too. But the good thing is I had good worship leaders and a group of people helping me out to do what I was meant to do in God's small temple. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there's freedom. So I know that I can express myself in His presence accordingly. I started with Spanish version songs and then I transitioned to English afterwards. It was a season where I was singing in groups, not by myself. It was fun I'll tell you. I would attend Christian events, serving more in singing with youths, and in other details. Even in prayers.

I would repeat the same habits as in 2018. Nothing new under the sun.

One reason: I didn't want it to distract my service to God. Especially since I was new and starting to serve God.


In 2020, I go back to college. I eventually decided to get a real job and God opened the proper opportunity for me to start off. I was excited and the interview went well. I wasn't nervous because I knew God was with me. I literally felt peace about this next step and I eventually continued in it. God knows the needs of all His children and I knew that. God is my provider but I'm also grateful for the people that allowed me to have such an opportunity. Grateful indeed! I enjoyed my new job and I enjoyed my breaks. I enjoyed the quality time I would spend at work reading my bible digitally, staying connected with church members, staying consistent with virtual church events, and participating in prayer circles. Staying connected with my spiritual leader and ensuring I stay around godly, edifying believers too. I would immerse myself in Christian content and I would eventually allow God to guide my thoughts to fruition. I'm grateful for moments like that because they taught me the importance of self-care and absorbing content that truly helps. I would go out more with godly people. Eventually, it was time for me to depart from my current role during such a season and I did and so I did for the sake of college. I continued my studies full time too.

Two reasons: to spend more time with Christian folks, and to focus on working/ studies.


During this year, I decided to answer my calling in writing and eventually, I started blogging from March.2021-April.2021. Eventually, I deleted the blog in April.2021, not because it wasn't God's will but because I needed full confirmation that God would back me up and be with me through this process of discovering myself publicly, allowing other people into my life experiences, and what I do as a human being. So welcome once again to my space! Expect content regularly! Random time-frames too! I eventually deleted everything again and within that time, I was doing an internship virtually (I learned so much, grateful for that opportunity too and the volunteer work experience). Then, I moved on to my application in applying to another role within society and I eventually did the process (it took a long time but was worth it) then I got the job after being interviewed twice and it went well. I've had interview experience from in-person college interviews. One was in the city and another in a suburban area. I would handle all these details on my own since I was 16-17 years old. Learning how to take initiative and doing things on your own, helps you in life. Eventually, after 7 months of looking for confirmation from God, I decided to go for it in Nov.2021 and now I'm here. Still repeated the same habits, the only thing that changed was my full-time schedule for both college and work. I didn't think it was possible but it was. I kept going to church and stayed faithful to God too.

One reason: time to pray and seek God's confirmation.

This is this current year. I've been faithful in keeping the platforms up. I eventually found another passion while doing ministry content and trying to figure out my layout options. It was hard but I go through it mentally, physically, and spiritually. Now? It's time to keep it there and let it minister to others. I love the fact my voice can teach or show someone something else besides my own life, people can get blessed by my ministry. That's really cool to me and special to me. Wherever I go too, I can work on my blog and keep it near me and that means a lot to me!

My good habits continued flourishing. But I traveled internationally for the first time and it was my first trip as a young adult! But I loved the idea of blogging my trip in pictures and small clips so I did that and was like, wow, that's something I like to do and I would do my research and see what I could do, and eventually this blog came to me.

One reason: no reasons, since I have social media now.

But the beautiful thing, my hair grew back and I don't feel the same anymore. I feel like I've grown, my mental, emotional, and physical health improved and I got better by the grace of God. People around me started seeing the work of God in my life and I'm grateful for that. Victory belongs to Jesus! My main reason: is to better myself and heal in all aspects of life!

I pray God guides you on whether you should take social media off for a certain amount of hours, for years, or for a bit of time to get closer to Him, and learn from Him so you can discern what's His will, and what isn't. You got this! If not, He's still good and you can decide to honor God with your social media platform account(s).
