Content (Contenido)

Words of Affirmation & Assurance (Reflections Only)

Hi! There's a scripture in the Bible that goes like this: 

"Philippians 4:8-Finally, brethren, whatsoever 

things are true, whatsoever things are honest, 

whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things 


pure, whatsoever things are lovely,

whatsoever things are of good report; if there be 

any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on 

these things. (kjv)"

In regard to the scripture, I wanted to share with you all

words that can be reflected upon and journaled about too. 


Write the words on a piece of nice-looking paper that you can keep. 

Digital note-taking apps can be used. 

Actual hand journals or digital journals.

There are more words on the story section on Instagram 

in case you all want to use it as a phone background or as a reminder. 

Here's a list of more words to write reflections on or

simply look for scriptures pertaining to that word in order to study it.

Here it goes:

1. Knowledge

2. Intelligence

3. Growth

4. Support

5. Providence

6. Sustainability 

7. Performance

8. Diligence

9. Assurance

10. Honesty

11. Masterpiece/Work of Art

12. Nature

13. Triune God

14. Apostles

15. Prophets

16. Prophetess

17. Disciples

18. Discipline

19. Correction

20. Lessons

21. Calmness

22. Self-Control

23. Positive Attitude

24. Positive Attributes

25. Positive Outlook

26. Servants of The Highest

27. Purified Heart

28. Purified Mind

29. Purified Attitude

30. Purified Characteristics

31. Health

32. Wealth

33. Goals 

34. Plans

35. Achievements 

36. Work In Progress

37. Hobbies

38. Productivity

39. Planting 

40. Gathering

41. Giving

42. Receiving 

43. Healthy Relationships 

44. Healthy Romantic Relationships

45. Healthy Boundaries

46. Healthy Marriages 

47. Healthy Friendships

48. Personal Relationship With God

49. Worshipping God

50. Praising God's Works 

While you write your personal reflections 


7 sentences or more 

under each word, 

ensure to share them with someone if God moves you

to do so. So they can be encouraged. 

Feel the freedom to send me some too through my 

social media and I'll be sure to post some (if you want to). 

Draw around your reflection as a therapeutic practice too 

(if you'd like). Chao!

My Social media (click here)
