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Two Are Better Than One for They Will Receive Their Reward Together: Christ-Centered Marriages in the Making (Part 2)

 Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.-Genesis 2:24 (kjv)

There are marriages God desires to lift up in these times. Marriages God wants to allow for His glory. There are people being prepared for marriage. God has a way of preparing a vessel. Whether it's through courtship or singleness seasons. God has a way of speaking to each of His children. God may have put it in your spirit that someone was meant to be your spouse but you didn't quite understood it until it came to pass. Sometimes God may tell a man to pursue a woman that is according to God's preference and will for His life. Other times, it's a strong desire within to have a spouse. To be able to share with someone good times, bad times, etc. Loneliness can be the most scary thing that can happen to a human being. Do you realize how many souls are in this earth? 

Do you realize that it is possible to have someone in a pure, holy, way? Including in the times we live in today? Nothing is impossible with God. Nothing, absolutely nothing. It isn't in a human to do good but in God to move a human being to do good. Sometimes we don't realize the impact we have on someone's life until it occurs. Usually, when two people are meant to be together there will be a spark. It may have started with one person at first but then love awakens in someone else. If you read the book of Song of Solomon and place very much care into it, you can see that it is a book filled with love and wisdom. It isn't an impure love. But a holy love. A set-apart love. A love divined and given by God most high as an example of patience, waiting, and doing things exactly how they are supposed to be. This love is not centered on family outside of the future husband and future wife. This love was being created way before they even got married. It clearly had no sex outside of marriage. It was a love that showed the fruit of God's presence. 

Whenever God requests something to be written, it's because it's going to impact someone's life. Marriage is going to take a lot of work. A lot of sacrificial love and surrender from both parties. But not placing each other in an idolatry way. Idolatry is a dangerous road to walk on. Idolatry leads couples to remove God from the picture and focus on each other. But what happens when a person decides to give up on you? You will feel like you put so much effort, so much time and so much of your thoughts and energy into someone else that you lose yourself. There's no more you. There are no more memories. The good memories become lessons. The painful memories are no longer there. They sting. They sting because what wasn't meant to be ends up being a burden needing to be healed. 

Marriage in the making takes more than just being willing to be committed. It takes being faithful to God and His Word. It takes both parties to surrender their lives to God for God to use them both to heal each other, be there for one another, and help each other grow. If you're considering getting married to someone you have in mind. These are things you should consider viewing: 

-Give it time. Time will tell what's in their hearts and how they genuinely see you. It will tell you how they'd desire to treat you. 

-Time will expose the heart condition. Actions indeed speak louder than words but if the words are corrupted, they aren't for you, or they just need to be transformed by the power of Jesus Christ but those are rare cases. 

A tree is known based on the fruit they produce. Someone is not just known by their humane reputation but as someone based on the Word of God. 

There's nothing wrong with preparing marriage-wise through finances and talks and prayer. Loads of prayer. If fasting is necessary for spiritual preparation for God to remove generational curses, do it. Don't waste any time for time don't wait for anyone. 

You don't want someone to come to you and ask if you're ready to be with them and then you aren't ready or vice versa. Let life be a lesson for both of you, together. But if God isn't in it, it will crumble. 

Learn from other Christian marriages, but also learn from what others teach you through sermons and marital counseling. Every Christian is on different spiritual levels and has different convictions. Learn to go by what the Holy Spirit leads you to do. 

God bless you!

