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Two Are Better Than One for They Will Receive Their Reward Together: Christ-Centered Marriages (Saying the Vows & Entering Commitment) (Part 3)

 And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh.-Mark 10:8 (kjv)

Marriage is honorable in the sight of all. What God has joined together, becomes one flesh. What God has joined together, has become one not just physically but spiritually. What God has joined together, becomes a unity. Not a disunity. When the step comes to becoming married, and every detail for the wedding day comes all together, prayer is done, fasting was added through the journey.. the spiritual things aren't placed on the side...guess what? You're ready to step into marriage. Two will become one not just verbally but during the honeymoon phase. 

The vows stage

When you're ready to perform your vows. Remember the love of Christ. Remember the fact that it's a marriage ordained by God in order to bring the gates of hell down even more. For the gates of hell will not prevail toward a marriage ordained by God. The gates of hell will not prevail towards the things of God. This is not just a commitment to someone else. But to God. To God you are telling Him that you won't give up on your marriage, that you will not allow the things of this world get in between your marriage. 

That you will not allow the spiritual warfare get in-between your marriage. Remember how much you genuinely love that person too. Not just how much you love God. Love God enough to love that person even when you feel like giving up. Don't, for you don't know the things God has in store for you as soon as you obey Him and allow God into the situation. 

Entering commitment stage

Once the vows are done, the commitment will continue. Committing to someone else may seem like a burden to some, and scary to others. But it's nothing that serious. It's serious in the sense of it being committed and God will hold you both accountable for the way you treated each other. But not that serious when it comes down to it being out of this world. Marriage is something God established for here on earth, not for heaven. Marriage helps for here on earth, not for heaven. Meaning there won't be no heaven here on earth. The mystery of two becoming one is something non-negotiable or in need of questioning. God has a way of speaking and we must respect how He speaks. Not the way people perceive His speech to be, but how He perceives Himself to be because He knows Himself more than we know of Him and Him. Let God become engraved in your heart so that when things get tough between you two, God becomes the ultimate source to run to. Not just that, there are people God will place in your life to hold you accountable within your marriage. You can't allow people to get in between your marriage, or family. Nothing actually, even when it's good. However, you can have people who fear God near you both enough to hold you guys accountable regarding being obedient to God's Word. Not regarding knowing personal things or something that each wouldn't want someone else to know (not necessarily anything bad). There should never be hidden sin or open sin in a marriage. Both should strive to be more Christ-like. Christ should still be the ultimate goal within marriage but also each other's needs and accountability.

Don't let life paint your story. Let God paint your story. Don't let people who don't know the details of your marriage paint your story. Don't let outsiders into the business of your marriage unless it's testimonial and it can help and edify someone else. Some things waste time and tend to not be necessary to speak forth about. So that's when confiding in each other to do what each must do must occur. If you know you're going to get married to someone who doesn't know how to keep their word, how is that Christian marriage standard? Learning from each other's past mistakes is key to a healthy marriage as well. 

You got this!!
