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Things to Do as a Single Person

Singleness is a beautiful journey. Especially when you allow God into that season.

Here's a list of things you can do during your single season. Down below will be brief descriptions of each one

1. Improve any skills you know you have.

2. Recognize the areas you'd need healing in.

3. Spend time with those that love you for you.

4. Cultivate your spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 12).

5. Cultivate more time seeking God's presence.

6. Cultivate more family time.

7. Study what purity is from a biblical perspective and if you need extra help understanding it, reach out to a spiritually mature person you know God has put in your path to bless you, that can help you know more based on their testimony and how they've walked faithfully with God during the season you're embarking on. Once you're done studying it, have a talk with God in prayer and apply what you've learned. But you have access to blogs online and the internet. Just search, "what is purity?" from a Christian perspective, and blog posts will come up. Just ensure that what's being told to you is accurate.

8. Read books based on singleness and purity in all areas of your life. Ask around your Christian fellowship group(s) if there are any books they'd recommend. There's unity in numbers. You're not alone in this journey, remember that. Don't let the enemy tell you otherwise.

9. Get your degree, whether ministry-wise or secular-wise. Pray and see what steps God wants you to take. Some people don't have degrees and are comfortable with just having a high school diploma or certifications, whatever path God has taken you, just enjoy it. Maybe you became an entrepreneur in this season of your life, own it! But for the Lord. 

10. Do your research on topics that interest you in learning more about.

11. Start a bible study group or join a bible study group.

12. Get baptized if you haven't.

13. Watch that documentary or a movie that will teach you something good. Always remember this verse: (1 Thessalonians 5:21).

14. Memorize as many scriptures as you possibly can.

15. Take a moment to just relax, unwind, and just enjoy your surroundings. 

16. Ask God questions. Make a list of questions and do bible studies based on that. 

17. Use differential systematic ways to study the Word of God on your own. Pinterest has options you can search for, just type: "Bible study methods." 

18. Go on vacation.

19. Enjoy a staycation. 

20. Self-care days. No need to post it if you don't want to. 

21. Local trips.

22. After work trips.

23. Family trips.

24. Yourself trips to go out to eat or pamper yourself or just to simply get groceries or do necessary shopping.

25. Build as many memories as you can through photos.

26. Tell as many people as you can about Jesus. Guided by God's Spirit.

27. Share your Christian playlist with someone you love.

28. Let go of materialistic things that have you hold on to the past in a negative way.

29. Watch sermons that edify your Christian walk.

30. Prep healthy meals for yourself and others.

31. Detox your being. Spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. 

32. Practice exercise as a way to relieve stress and take care of your temple which belongs to God's Holy Spirit.

33. Sing your lungs out to the Lord! Exaggerating? Maybe just a bit. Get in a place where it's just God and you and just sing to Him. It will help against worry, anxiety, etc. 

34. Learn to take refuge in the Word of God so the enemy won't take advantage of your thoughts. Don't let your mind become a playground for the devil.

35. Go on evangelistic events.

36. Go on missionary trips.

37. Go to a live Christian concert. 

38. Visit a Christian church congregation.

39. Prepare your heart for the things God has for you in the next season of your life. You should know by now, it's between God and you. Sometimes it will require you to prepare physically too. God needs you healthy in all areas of your life for a reason.

40. Seek godly counsel from God. He's your best friend. Will never let you down. Even if you don't get a direct answer and what comes to mind is to look for the answers in His Word, just know that's Him guiding you to His Word.

41. Surround yourself with godly people and let them pour into you and you them.

42. Stay away from places that can hinder your Christian testimony. We are in the world but not of it (John 8:36). Our place is in heaven. Our eternal home. The only way is through Jesus. Let's be pilgrims for His glory. 

43. Start the vision God has given you in the Spirit. 

44. Have a list of goals and pray over them. You'd be surprised, we can have so many goals and God allows us to make the list but He'll give you a list of no's and yes's. -> Proverbs 19:21

45. In this modern world we live in, go support an influencer and their ministry or support others and their ministries in person.

46. Donate to a good cause. 

47. Practice the habit of incorporating spiritual fasting: "Matthew 6:16-18, Joel 2:12, Mark 9:29, Joel 1:14, Isaiah 58:6, Exs: Acts 13:2; Luke 2:37, Ezra 8:23."

48. Do Christian activities.

49. Give gifts to others.

50. Write & journal.


1. Whether it's instrumental, singing, sports, or artistic. 

2. Whether it's because of a past relationship, a family member, etc. Let it go and heal. Pray to God about it and release. Trust the fact it's in His hands now. Not yours.

3. Spend time with those that love you for you. Meaning that really have good intentions for your life, desire to see you grow, and want you to succeed just like them. That pushes you to do exactly what you know you should be doing but you can't seem to do it on your own. It seems like you just need that encouragement, that text message, that voice note, that phone call, that response, that company. But remember that bad company corrupts (takes away, spots, good morals) -> 1 Corinthians 15:33.

4. Cultivate your spiritual gifts. Whether it's speaking based on what God guides you to say through His Spirit, giving a word of wisdom to save a life, having knowledge of a matter to share that knowledge with someone else, helping them out in their lifestyle journeys, the gift of healing others...meaning being able to depict what's causing hurt in their lives and give them accurate counsel that doesn't contradict God's Word or just miraculously healing through the touching of hands and the Spirit comes over them to heal a disease or a disability (this is tense, it's only for those with such ministries, don't think God doesn't love you or loves you less because your ministry is not to lay hands on others). Also, the working of miracles is through supernatural Spirit-filled encounters. A touch of God and bringing the presence of God down here on earth is God's miraculous work. When someone opens their mouth, demons tremble? They have the ministry of deliverance through worship because their tongue has been anointed to cast out demons in the mighty name of Jesus and in their sacrificial service to God. Operating in the prophetic is just letting God use you to give a word to someone else who's really in need of it. Discerning spirits is to see far beyond human eyes to see what's really causing a problem within a person or a situation. To discern the times like the sons of Issachar -> 1 Chronicles 12:32. Spiritual tongues are a gift that is only given to some. But not all. You don't lack the Spirit of God just because you don't have it. Interpretation of tongues is given to some not all, it means simply understanding what is being said in the spiritual tongues. To read more about this gift, you can through 1 Corinthians 14:27-28, Mark 16:17, 1 Corinthians 14:2, Ex: Acts 19:6, 1 Corinthians 13:8, 1 Corinthians 14:13, 1 Corinthians 14:22, 1 Corinthians 14:39, Acts 10:46. But remember that spiritual gifts is different than the ministry God has specifically ordained over someone's life: 1 Corinthians 12:28-31. If God called you to ministerial work? Get to it. Don't waste any time. Remember the story of the talents? -> Matthew 25:14-30. Ministry titles/positions would be apostles, prophets, teachers, miracle workers, healers, helpers, leaders in differential ranks in ministries within physically structured churches, and differential tongue speakers. No matter the calling, God is a God of order. 

5. Seeking God is the best remedy for a soul longing for company.

6. Family time will help you see God's hands in your family, in you. Develop your character, teach you things that sitting in a classroom can possibly teach you but it takes sitting down to actually be considered an acceptable loving deed in God's eyes. God can use you to be the light in your family. Let Him. Sometimes your family needs to see you for who God created you to be to have hope to continue living for God.

7. Studying purity is a gift from above because you're having an encounter with a biblical topic.

8. Books weren't created just to be bought, but to be read.

9. Pray for this huge decision. Okay? Okay.

10. Research is a tool that can be used wisely. That's how we learn. Especially in this digital world, we live in. 

11. Bible study groups are necessary for the community. Especially when that support is really needed. 

12. Get baptized. It shows you really want to live for God and not yourself. Not just to God but to the world surrounding you. 

13. Get to it!

14. Memorizing the word of God is essential to spiritual growth. 

15. Relax, life can be stressful. But unplug from the world to plug into God. 

16. It's a fun strategy to keep yourself busy.

17. Another fun strategy to keep yourself busy and grow spiritually. 

18. Vacations are necessary. Plus if you like to travel, it will be a wonderful experience instead of just being home and being a potato lying down on a couch (figuratively speaking). Nobody wants to be a couch potato.

19. Staycation is taking a break while you're still on the premises of your actual home. 

20. Self-care days is literally a term for what's considered self-care in this society. Except to each their own. Do you know what I mean? 

21. Local trips are nearby trips.

22. After-work trips are trips scheduled after work.

23. Family trips are trips with your loved ones.

24. You'll thank me for it. Just make sure that you're praying as you're enjoying that day!

25. Photography holds a special place in my story. Enjoy yours!

26. People need to hear about the hope that dwells in you. Let your hope be Jesus. Listen to Him.

27. Share away!

28. It's not good to have painful memories lingering in your life and space, throw them away!

29. It's not so much necessary to binge-watch, but make time for it, you never know if someone from another congregation can bless you. Not just from your congregation. 

30. Prepping healthy meals for others is essential to the community. 

31. Detoxing is a term used to eliminate bad toxins. But I'd say, it's necessary to apply detoxing from a lot of things in this life. 

32. Exercising is good for your life. It's a good habit. But learn to rest in between too. Don't overwork your body. Your body is created to be worked out but it heals on its own.

33. Sing to the Lord -> Psalms 95:1. The Psalms speak a lot about singing to the Lord. 

34. Whenever you get bad thoughts or are going through them, cling to the Word of God. Practice that habit because it will save you a lot. 

35. It will help you see other ways of sharing the gospel. You can learn and also teach others later on based on your experiences. Plus it helps others know Jesus really loves them enough to send people to speak to them about Him.

36. Missionary trips if God sends you, outreaches count too.

37. Live Christian concerts will edify you.

38. Visiting your family in the faith will be a blessing to you!

39. Whatever plans God has for you to enjoy next, prepare for them.

40. You need to be able to discern God's voice (leading) from the enemy the devil's voice (distraction). 

41. Surround yourself with godly people. They'll benefit from your gifting as much as you from theirs.

42. Stay away! Meaning just don't pass by it! Meaning just go do something productive!

43. Start the vision God has given you in the Spirit, it will bless others.

44. Goals are a necessity to continue walking here on earth. But as believers, we look to please God through and through so it's highly recommended to pray over your goals. Can't build without provision either -> Luke 14:28.

45. There are so many Christian YouTubers, and influencers nowadays that it's amazing and glorious to see. Go support!

46. It doesn't matter if it's to a non-profit, an internship, a volunteer position, or giving financial means to a cause so it can continue to grow and continue to stand. It doesn't matter if the head of the company is Christian or not. If it aligns with your values, support it! It's better to give than to receive -> Acts 20:35.

47. Fasting will not only benefit your spiritual appetite because you'll be consuming so much of God, but it will benefit you physically. If I can be honest with you. But the intention should be to bring God the glory. 

48. Christian activities can be writing, starting an event, starting a challenge, starting a podcast, etc. Just do what you think falls into this category and do it for fun too not just for God! Enjoy yourself!

49. Gifting others with beautiful gifts can just make their day. Make someone's day. Meaning brightens someone's day. 

50. Writing is the best because you can write about anything nowadays and give it to God: 


-Strategically mapping out ideas. 

-Making a list of groceries, making a list of shopping to-do lists. 

-Writing down meals. 

-Bullet journaling. 

-Organizing thoughts in a way to just write them all down on paper and then seeing what to apply and eliminate. 

-Writing stories, writing in any way. There are different forms of writing. 

-Or just encouraging yourself in a Christ-centered, Christian way. Own it!

 Enjoy your single season. Chao!

Blog Tip: You can open this page twice in your browser to view it side by side to see both lists!
