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Shopping Routine

This post disregards any gifting related to gifts given by others because this doesn't count as shopping. 

But shopping is part of everyone's life. Including when it involves food, clothing, things, etc. 

I'll be speaking in regard to clothing shopping. I'm not a shopaholic. I just go shopping whenever I need to. 

I don't think there's a need to have so much just to have so much. I learned to just shop for what I need my clothes for. Per season. 


-For church

-For at home

-For regular days

-Workout clothing 

That's about it. Clearly, in the Winter it's more layers. Summer is fewer layers since it's extremely hot. Spring is a bit of more layers but not as much as the winter and Fall is more layers than the Spring season but less than the Winter. 

So factors I go by: 

-Weather changes

-Seasonal changes

Sometimes I tend to not go shopping because my clothes tend to last me a long time. Sometimes there's a fabric that does break or that it's old so I declutter my closet. The clothing that breaks, I would have to buy again because I wear it a lot. My wardrobe doesn't really change much. It sort of stays the same but the patterns may change. 

When it comes to going to a special event, I keep the dress I'm wearing for that day, and then afterward I'm like: I'm not going to repeat wearing this again so I take it out of my closet because it's not going to be worn again.  

In regards to shoes, I feel like shoes make the outfit but recently I've been trying just keeping all black shoes in my wardrobe since the past season I had a ton of shoes and some I wouldn't wear a lot so I just wanted to down-size minimal style just to try and see if it's what works for me. It's been going good and I like the simplicity in it. The fact I can wear my fav sweater as much as I want to, makes me feel jolly. Not trying to impress anyone? Makes me feel jolly. 

I guess when going shopping, it's based on size, occasion, personal preference, and what's needed. 

When I go shopping, I plan mentally that I'm not going to buy anything I don't need at the moment. So there's moments where something does look nice but then it's like: what's the point of buying it when I know how I am. I know I'm going to want to wear what I like instead of what looks nice. So I've just learned that health is more important than the clothes I wear in my back. My spiritual life is more important than the clothing I wear on my back. 

That's my mentality all the time now. I don't go shopping every day. That's unrealistic to me. I just like to feel comfortable enough to not go by what's trendy but what I like. Example: Sketchers may be something I think it's comfortable to wear while for someone else Nikes are. To each their own. 

Things I consider while shopping: 

-Am I going to wear it more than once?

-Is the material long-lasting?

-Will it go with anything in my closet? 

-Will it last long in my current season? 

-Will I feel comfortable wearing it? 

-Do I already have something similar in my closet?

-Will it take up too much space? 

God bless you, hope this helps.
