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How to Do It All & Not Feel Overwhelmed (By It)

From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I-Psalms 61:2 (kjv)

You can indeed do it all and not feel overwhelmed. I can honestly testify that I've been through a season where I had to go from school, to work, to school, to work, to non-paid positions (internships and volunteer work), down to college extracurricular activities. None of that fills up. None of that will fill up the spiritual thirst we humans have. But the good thing is that when we come to Jesus and continue firm in Jesus, He feeds our spiritual hunger. So our spiritual hunger is already met in Christ. Whenever we have to face anything in this life that brings a lot of responsibilities on us, we can confide in going to the feet of the Father in order to get our filling and our necessities just by simply going to the feet of Jesus (meaning praying to Him, whether kneeling down out of reverence or being rushed to catch your transportation for the next day). With God all things are possible. 

Degrees don't fill up.

It's just needed here on earth. In some career paths. But in God's kingdom? Don't really matter. Your obedience to leadership and working alongside others for a specific goal, does please God. As long as the goal doesn't contradict your faith. 

Anyways, the answer? Jesus but also, time management. Easy as that. 

I'll share my history and experience so you can get inspired: 

After graduating and getting my diploma, 

went straight to college (not knowing what I wanted to fully study), but I went to a Christian college. While being there, I had to take into consideration the fact that I was already there and I had to remain with academic integrity. Sometimes, God is not going to give you an answer right away. So I finished two college courses in preparation for college. I did that and transferred to another college. During my college experience (the Lord is my witness), my only job experience up to this point was a student program I did that I didn't last long in because I was busy with school work. Remember, that's the only experience I had at the time and I was barely an adult. 

Now, I entered college and I experienced a lot of setbacks. I didn't know what I wanted to do with my college life. All these options, a lady asked me what I wanted to study and I looked at her with a blank face as I didn't know what I wanted to study. Easy, I gave it over to God and I had to choose a career. I eventually did, with someone I know and it didn't quite make sense. I liked one of the career paths. But when I did my research in preparation for it, 4 more years studying it, didn't quite sit right with me. So I eventually pursued the degree and earned credits for it. But... I was stuck between another career path as my next step, or two other separate choices. These were my thoughts, I prayed throughout my entire experience and although I didn't hear God, I got a wonderful opportunity. But beforehand, I decided to stay busy and I decided to do an internship for a couple of days within the months I was there. My experience went up. God's grace you can say. I liked the idea of working. So I kept looking for job opportunities. I eventually got another job opportunity simply by putting myself out there and asking around people I know. I took a year gap break from college. The next year I went back to college, but during my break, I was remaining busy with obtaining certification. After that long break, I looked for a job before entering back under a degree path. The good thing about the job I believe was a great opportunity that lasted a few months in... was that it was under a field I wanted to study. So I achieved my goal of working within that field. Without a college degree. It required no experience and I was trained. So with that being said, it was a professional field. During that time, I went back to college and I was no longer working. Took a long period without working to focus on the Internship but I had before applied to a job before I went to that professional field and I decided to apply to it again after the internship with the job experience 

I had accumulated. Then, I went to apply again and it went well for me. 

It was a job that only required certain qualifications and I already was prepared for those qualifications. So I stayed in that job for a while. Honestly, the first job I've kept consistent. But that never took away my time for volunteer work in God's church. I started volunteering at God's church in 2019. I've kept myself available as a volunteer person in the church for a long time. I kept seeking God for direction. I knew God's church was always going to be on my calendar. 

I eventually stopped working & during my internship to the job experience that lasted a year and so I started getting familiarized with social media. I didn't see the need for social media. I felt it was a distraction to my relationship with God and what I wanted to achieve in God. I earned opportunities to go for extracurricular activities. God opened those doors but they were temporary. It was just for college reasons. I started posting ministry content but I needed to be sure God was leading me down this path and not my emotions. 

I decided to stop and pray and not overwhelm myself. I prayed and I received my answer for my current season. I'm still continuing this page and the other pages I've started by the grace of God. 

It's possible to achieve your goals while not knowing what you want to do in life. Just don't sit there and wait for someone to tell you what to do. Unless it's in church. But still, you should know that you're strong enough to pray and ask God. God bless you. 

Put Jesus in everything and watch your life not feel overwhelmed. 

Continue a healthy lifestyle and watch God work in your life.
