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How to Renew Your Mind With the Word of God


For this writing piece, I'll just be sharing what I do that helps me apply this scripture. 

But first, let's break down the scriptures=

Do not be conformed to the pattern of this world means: 

Don't do the things that people that don't know what God likes and what His true holiness actually means, do. 
It's self-explanatory, we shouldn't be doing anything that doesn't go along with God's character. 

Examples would be: 
If God is holy, we must be holy. 
If God is just, we must be just. 
If God is loving, we must be loving. 
If God is righteous, we must be righteous. 
If God is love, we must be loving. 

When we get into a heightened level of relationship with God, we must care about what He cares about, act, and move the way He'd want us to act and move no matter what anyone says about it. No matter how anyone feels about it. You have to do what God wants you to do!

We must seek God's Word to come to an understanding of what His will is really like for humanity. We must seek to find! If we don't seek, we lose. We must test to find what's God's will. This means testing every spirit and seeing if they come from God or not. Usually, when someone is speaking on behalf of God or God is using someone to bless your life, it will be aligned with what God has been confirming to you all along secretly or it will be aligned with His standards of righteousness (what's right) and holiness. It will be a sanctified act for the Lord. Meaning it will be a pleasing aroma to His throne (figuratively speaking). It will be pleasant and a good offering to God: what we do with our lives and times. God will never tell anyone to tell you to sin against Him or His Word. 

Things you can do to renew your mind with God's Word: 

-Applying it. 

-Reading it a lot. 

-Meditating on the scriptures a lot. 

-Going to a church where sound doctrine is being preached, taught, evangelized, and prophesied. 

-Listening to worship music according to the gospel.

-Listening to gospel rap.

-Having biblical edifying conversations with others. 

-Doing bible activities! Ex: word search, puzzles, apps, writing, singing, anything that helps your mind focus on things that honor God.

-Keeping scriptures around too.

-Maintaining your environment safe.

Hope this helps you!
