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My Experience Traveling Internationally

I took a trip to an international place. It was towards a resort area. This was in April of the year 2022. I honestly loved the experience because it was my first actual international trip! I was 22 years old and I enjoyed it. The trip brought me so much peace and tranquility. I admit, that visiting new land can seem a bit overwhelming or a bit scary, but prayer works! I didn't think anything would happen to me because I have God in my life, but still! I still had to pray because I had so much on my mind. Down below is a scenery I got to see during the trip. I'll share more pictures and if you want to see more, just go to my Instagram account to see more! Enjoy! 

Alright so within the top pictures, I've arrived at the airport. My brother in the faith drove us to the airport. Within that time frame, I was just going through meeting with the other people I was going on the trip with. We went through waiting, bag check, security check, & turns out I packed things I wasn't allowed to carry on the trip: a large number of hair products, sprays, and body care.  

Lesson learned: "Do not carry large amounts of hair products or hygiene products overall because that just delays security check-in. Do not over-pack things you'd realize you may not need because there's an alternative: stores where you're going." 

Overall, I did what regular people do in the airport. Which is just walking around, seeing the area, and getting familiarized. One of my products ended up spilling all over my bag so I had to take a while to wrap that up. I saw a lot of stores and restroom areas. I went to the restroom (to use it and take pictures), then I sat down, and I enjoyed the waiting process. One of my family members decided to buy me a yogurt. So the yogurt at the top was the one I was enjoying. We took pictures as a group and they took pictures on their own. We got inside the airport area and we took more pictures. But the important thing is that we prayed. Clearly, inside the airplane, we had already organized who was sitting where. So that was part of the trip (getting organized). Before I continue, I wanted to let you know that we had a group chat through an application to prepare for the trip. So we all were prepared for the trip. 

Lesson learned: preparation is key even for a trip. Planning must occur, detailing must occur, the headcount of how many people are going, flight schedules, deals, who handled what, etc. 

So we did a lot of planning. But it was worth it! During the flight, I just chilled, slept, and looked at the map, hesitant to get out of the airplane due to the fact the airplane was over a water area and no land was in sight. So that occurred and we just had so much relaxation time. There was paperwork we had to fill out because we were traveling internationally. Once we arrived, we got our things. The airplane was packed with people from different nationalities! That was cool!

When we got off the airplane, there was more checking of our personal info, etc. So there was a line and way more things to do. Especially waiting to arrive at the place, we had to get on a bus and go towards our location. So when we got out, we had to get our bags picked up by the people who worked where we were staying (meaning bags had to get out of the bus and be placed with lobby personnel). After that, we had to check in again with the people from the front desk for our two room bookings. After minutes of waiting, we eventually got our room keys and we did what we were supposed to do. We got dressed to just explore!

On top, you can see this beautiful scenario. I've been to a boardwalk before. But this was a scenario I was near a boardwalk. We got to meet some of the people who worked there since they asked if I was Christian. We got to see the area, and we eventually booked reservations for food-eating areas. We got dressed up for the food-eating bookings. We got to see someone play the piano at one of the restaurants. We got to see more places. Talk edifying conversations, share testimonies, etc. We got to sleep, pray a lot, and just enjoy the tranquil moment. We went to an exhibition and we went on a floating boat that goes fast on the water. I felt like if I hadn't held on to the rope tightly, I could have easily been blown away by the wind! Haha! It was just so much fun. During the exhibition, we got to go on a mineral water bath and we got to go on a mud road. Adding to that, we got to go on horses (not my first time). But horses on water? My first time! What made this experience memorable was the fact of being around others of not your culture and getting to see what they eat, how they talk, and how they interact politely, which is extremely cool to see. On one of the bus rides, I was singing about the fact that God's joy is my strength and the driver just had a fun experience with the way I sang the song. On one of the bus rides, we went on we got to play Christian soft music. I felt like God was there through all of it. Near the end, the airplane was going through a bit of turbulence but all was good. We landed good and the peace of God was there. Amen? Amen! Down below are more pictures!

Lesson learned: do what you've always wanted to do. But make sure God approves of it first. He'll see you through.

By the way, the dress was a gift and the shoes were a gift too! 

I tried some interesting desserts and of course, a family member bought me coffee without me asking. It's the little things that count, right? We had breakfast, lunch, and dinner though. I tried Jamaican lemonade too! My first time!

I went to a gift store to buy water shoes. Then, during the exhibition, I got pictures of the trip, natural soap (to try), and a cup for souvenirs. That's about it. Now that I remember, I went to a spa over there. But not to go into spa treatments, it was just to buy aloe vera sunscreen & sugar scrub. Both were good investments. The pictures above just show things I did. There was a moment when I just stayed in the room to take a nap. Resting was the major goal for this trip for me personally. But also, to share time with those I love. 

Lesson learned: nothing should ever be rushed, being in the moment is what counts.

Lastly, just went through the same procedures as the first time to come back home. But that time, the waiting for security-check was way longer due to the fact there were so many people getting off the airplane. Hoping you'll enjoy your vacation days and pray before taking a trip to receive confirmation from God!

God bless your heart, soul, and ministry (if you have one), if not, just know: that God still loves you!
