
Showing posts from January, 2023

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Escribirte Letras

¡Hola! Quería compartir una actividad en la que he estado usando recientemente desde que comencé a crecer. Creo que empecé a escribir cartas mucho más joven que esta edad (según mis recuerdos intelectuales). La razón detrás de compartir esto fue el hecho de que le estaba preguntando a Dios sobre lo que debería compartir con los demás, y pensé en compartir el hecho de que me gusta escribirme cartas a mí misma. Empecé a escribir cartas cuando era muy joven, pero paré por un tiempo... luego continué escribiendo cartas más. Entonces, decidí escribirme cartas a mí misma a medida que creciera. Nunca fue algo que quisiera compartir públicamente. Fue algo para mí, para mis experiencias. La escritura ha sido una forma en la que tengo para expresar mis pensamientos verbalmente. Pero me di cuenta de que sería una buena idea compartir con ustedes porque puede inspirar creatividad en ustedes. Así que mis cartas a mí misma estarían basadas en la edad que he cumplido. Me refiero al hecho de que cuand

Rutina de Compras

Esta publicación ignora cualquier regalo relacionado con regalos dados por otros porque esto no cuenta como compras. Pero ir de compras es parte de la vida de todos. Incluso cuando se trata de comida, ropa, cosas, etc. Voy a estar hablando en lo relacionado con la compra de ropa. No soy una adicta a las compras. Solo voy de compras cuando lo necesito. No creo que haya necesidad de tener tanto para tener tanto. Aprendí a comprar solo para lo que necesito en ropa por cada temporada. Ejemplo: -Para la iglesia -Para en casa -Para días regulares -Ropa de entrenamiento Eso es todo. Claramente, en invierno son más cubrimiento. El verano es menos cubrimiento ya que hace mucho calor. La primavera tiene un poco más de cubrimiento, pero no tanto como el invierno, y el otoño tiene más cubrimiento que la temporada de primavera, pero menos que el invierno. Entonces, los factores por los que considero: -Cambios de clima -Cambios de temporadas A veces tiendo a no ir de compras porque mi ropa tiende a

Rutina de Productividad

Ser productiva es algo que me encanta hacer. Tengo aplicaciones que me ayudan a mantenerme organizada. No las mencionaré ya que hay muchas en el mercado y es posible que tengamos diferentes dispositivos celulares. Pero realmente tengo mi teléfono organizado de la forma en que lo entiendo. Me gusta tomarme el tiempo para limpiar mis archivos de las fotos que no necesito y cuando estoy ocupando demasiado espacio, revisando mis correos electrónicos y eliminando lo que debe ir de mis correos electrónicos tanto con mis carpetas digitales. No hago esto todos los días, pero cuando tengo tiempo porque siento que un teléfono desordenado no ayuda. Honestamente, dejé de escribir cosas en papel y me quedé con la digitalización porque tuve una temporada en la que quería descubrir qué funciona mejor para mí y no me gusta sentirme sobre-cargada. Así que las notas electrónicas, es lo mejor para mí. Incluso listas de tareas pendientes. No tengo una memoria en la que recuerde todo, pero tengo momentos e

Mañana Rutina, Tarde Rutina, Noche Rutina

Me han preguntado sobre mi rutina. Entonces, según mi saber y entendimiento, escribiré en esta publicación del blog: Un poco sobre mí es: mi horario siempre ha sido cambiado. Pero lo bueno es que mi relación con Dios ha sido más consistente. Rutina de La Mañana Tiendo a despertarme en períodos de diferente tiempos. Por lo general, simplemente me despierto, hago lo que tengo que hacer y depende de si estaré ocupada o no. Pero tiendo a conectarme con Dios, atender mis necesidades, limpiar, y organizar lo que necesito limpiar y organizar. Rutina de La Tarde Tiendo a mantenerme ocupada con tareas o mandados. Tengan en cuenta: a veces tomo siestas en la mañana o en la tarde o en la noche. Tengan en cuenta: a veces estoy ocupada por la mañana o por la noche. Es con lo que me funcione. Tengan en cuenta: tiendo a pasar tiempo con Dios siempre que sea necesario (cualquiera que sea el marcado tiempo. Puede que no se vea exteriormente, pero interiormente estoy hablando con Él). Rutina de La Noche

Fav Esenciales Este Invierno 2023

Verdad Sobre El Invierno: El invierno solo dura 3 meses 1/2. Diciembre-Feb, & algo de Marzo . Lentes: Recientemente obtuve anteojos para computadora de una óptica con un filtro de luz azul más fuerte. Así que ya sabes que la óptica da la opción de lentes sin Fuentes recetas. Honestamente, descubrí que la iluminación azul funciona para filtrar la pantalla de cualquier dispositivo digital y calma mis ojos. Las computadoras de escritorio y otras tecnologias digitales tienen la opción de un dispositivo por la razón de cambiar la luz. Prefiero usar anteojos para filtrar mis pantallas. Sombrero: El sombrero fue un regalo de alguien que conozco. Es una linda textura rosada y tiene una bola en la parte superior. Es muy agradable para la temporada de invierno. El único que tengo actualmente en este momento y no creo que necesite más que ese. Tiene material suave en el interior. No estoy segura de dónde es. Pero se pueden encontrar sombreros como ese en casi cualquier tienda que venda vestua

Como Hacerlo Todo Sin Sentirte Agotada O Agotado (Por Tales Cosas)

Desde el cabo de la tierra clamare a ti, cuando mi corazon desmayare. Llevame a la roca que es mas alta que yo   -Salmos 61:2 (rvr1960) De hecho, puedes hacerlo todo y no sentirte agotado o agotada. Puedo testificar honestamente que he pasado por una temporada en la que tuve que ir de la escuela al trabajo, a la escuela, al trabajo, a puestos (como intern y trabajo voluntario), hasta actividades extracurriculares universitarias . Nada de eso se llena. Nada de eso llenará la sed espiritual que tenemos los humanos. Pero lo bueno es que cuando venimos a Jesús y seguimos firmes en Jesús, Él alimenta nuestra hambre espiritual. Así que nuestra hambre espiritual ya está satisfecha en Cristo. Cada vez que tengamos que enfrentar cualquier cosa en esta vida que nos traiga muchas responsabilidades, podemos confiar en ir a los pies del Padre para obtener nuestra llenura y nuestras necesidades simplemente yendo a los pies de Jesús (es decir orando a Él, ya sea arrodillándote por reverencia o sien

How to Do It All & Not Feel Overwhelmed (By It)

From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I -Psalms 61:2 (kjv) You can indeed do it all and not feel overwhelmed. I can honestly testify that I've been through a season where I had to go from school , to work , to school , to work , to non-paid positions ( internships and volunteer work ), down to college extracurricular activities . None of that fills up . None of that will fill up the spiritual thirst we humans have. But the good thing is that when we come to Jesus and continue firm in Jesus, He feeds our spiritual hunger. So our spiritual hunger is already met in Christ. Whenever we have to face anything in this life that brings a lot of responsibilities on us, we can confide in going to the feet of the Father in order to get our filling and our necessities just by simply going to the feet of Jesus (meaning praying to Him, whether kneeling down out of reverence or being rushed to catch your transportation

Two Are Better Than One for They Will Receive Their Reward Together: Christ-Centered Marriages (Overcoming Toxic & Harmful Traits Before the Ring) (Part 5)

Amos 3:3 2 Corinthians 6:14 Toxic and harmful traits can affect not just two couples but the people they are surrounded by because God has allowed them to be surrounded by them to be an example or positive impact on those around them. Sometimes as humans, we don't realize the harmful results our actions can cause someone else. Sometimes we humans make decisions based off of emotions or hurt and it ends up impacting everyone around us not just us.  Don't get me wrong. It can seem like all these harmful traits are empowering and powerful. But no. Not to God. Cursing someone else out, sticking the middle finger out at others, physical violence and anything vulgar that leads people astray are not works inspired by God's kingdom. I'm sorry, but. It can't happen in a healthy marriage. Anything to hurt someone else is not of God and God sees that and eventually will hold both parties accountable. Not just the person causing the toxic and harmful traits but the one ignorant

Two Are Better Than One for They Will Receive Their Reward Together: Christ-Centered Marriages (Overcoming the Foxes Trying to Get Into the Vineyard) (Part 4)

Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes. -Song of Solomon 2:15 (kjv) There are so many foxes that can get into a vineyard. These will be examples accompanied by sentences and scripture. Are you ready? Here we go:   Physical and verbal abuse:  Physical and verbal abuse isn't of God and isn't healthy. So any of that fruit is not going to really be of edification to each other or show each other the love of Christ. The Bible places a lot of emphasis on learning how to manage your anger, outbursts of anger, and emotional breakdowns. I'm not saying getting angry is a sin but the Bible does say not to allow the sun to go down on your anger. I'm not saying emotional breakdowns are a sin but the outcome of an emotional breakdown can lead someone to make a mistake. With that being said let's get angry but not sin. Let's allow our emotions to break us into tears and feelings but not let them take us out of God's will

Fav Essentials This Winter 2023

  Fact About Winter: Winter only lasts 3 months 1/2 . December-Feb,  and some of March . Glasses: I've recently gotten computer wear glasses from an Optical with a stronger blue light filter . So now you know opticals give the option for non-prescription lenses. I have honestly found that the blue lighting does work in filtering the screen of any digital device and it calms down my eyes. Desktops and laptops have the option of brightening a device for a reason. I just rather use glasses for the filtering of my screens. Hat: The hat was a gift from someone that I know. It's a cute pinkish texture and it does have a ball on the top. It's really nice for the winter season. The only one I currently have at the time and I don't think I need more than that. It has soft material inside. Not sure where it's from. But hats like that can be found in almost any store that sells clothing apparel. Lipsticks: One of the lipsticks doesn't have the brand attached to it. Perhap

Two Are Better Than One for They Will Receive Their Reward Together: Christ-Centered Marriages (Saying the Vows & Entering Commitment) (Part 3)

 And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh .-Mark 10:8 (kjv) Marriage is honorable in the sight of all. What God has joined together, becomes one flesh. What God has joined together, has become one not just physically but spiritually. What God has joined together, becomes a unity. Not a disunity. When the step comes to becoming married, and every detail for the wedding day comes all together, prayer is done, fasting was added through the journey.. the spiritual things aren't placed on the side...guess what? You're ready to step into marriage. Two will become one not just verbally but during the honeymoon phase.  The vows stage When you're ready to perform your vows. Remember the love of Christ. Remember the fact that it's a marriage ordained by God in order to bring the gates of hell down even more. For the gates of hell will not prevail toward a marriage ordained by God. The gates of hell will not prevail towards the things of God

Two Are Better Than One for They Will Receive Their Reward Together: Christ-Centered Marriages in the Making (Part 2)

  Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh .-Genesis 2:24 (kjv) There are marriages God desires to lift up in these times. Marriages God wants to allow for His glory. There are people being prepared for marriage. God has a way of preparing a vessel. Whether it's through courtship or singleness seasons. God has a way of speaking to each of His children. God may have put it in your spirit that someone was meant to be your spouse but you didn't quite understood it until it came to pass. Sometimes God may tell a man to pursue a woman that is according to God's preference and will for His life. Other times, it's a strong desire within to have a spouse. To be able to share with someone good times, bad times, etc. Loneliness can be the most scary thing that can happen to a human being. Do you realize how many souls are in this earth?  Do you realize that it is possible to have someone in a pure, holy, way? I

Two Are Better Than One for They Will Receive Their Reward Together: Christ-Centered Marriages (Part 1)

  For I would that all men were even as I myself. But every man hath his proper gift of God, one after this manner, and another after that .-1 Corinthians 7:7(kjv) When it comes down to being single and being married...both are gifts from God. Usually when someone has a desire to get married, they have to present it to the Lord in order for God to guide them towards the proper fit for marriage. A lot of the times, there's humans that may seem fit to be married to, but there will always be something between you two that won't last, doesn't go together even with similarities and differences. You may have seemed like the perfect match for each other but sin blinds. As soon as a relationship is built with bad intentions, it's considered wrong to God and God's mercy will allow them to continue but God won't bless it with His presence.  God knows the reason why we all make decisions. Marriage is a sacred gift to God and He doesn't take divorce lightly. God doesn&#

Shopping Routine

This post disregards any gifting related to gifts given by others because this doesn't count as shopping.  But shopping is part of everyone's life. Including when it involves food, clothing, things, etc.  I'll be speaking in regard to clothing shopping. I'm not a shopaholic. I just go shopping whenever I need to.  I don't think there's a need to have so much just to have so much. I learned to just shop for what I need my clothes for. Per season.  Example:  -For church -For at home -For regular days -Workout clothing  That's about it. Clearly, in the Winter it's more layers. Summer is fewer layers since it's extremely hot. Spring is a bit of more layers but not as much as the winter and Fall is more layers than the Spring season but less than the Winter.  So factors I go by:  -Weather changes -Seasonal changes Sometimes I tend to not go shopping because my clothes tend to last me a long time. Sometimes there's a fabric that does break or that it&#

Productivity Routine

Being productive is something I love to do.  I have apps that help me stay organized. Won't mention it since there's a lot on the market and we may have different cellular devices. But I genuinely have my phone organized the way I comprehend it.  I like to take time to clean out my files from photos I don't need and are taking too much space, checking my emails, and deleting what needs to go from my emails and my digital folders.  I don't do this every day but when I have time to because I feel like a cluttered phone doesn't help.  I honestly stopped writing things down on paper and have stayed with going digital because I had a season where I wanted to figure out what works best for me and I don't like to feel cluttered up. So electronic notes, is what's best for me. Even to-do lists.  I don't have a memory where I remember everything but I have moments where I need to remember something and I know the only way I'd remember is if I pause, pray to cl