
Showing posts from December, 2022

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How to Overcome Fear Overall

Fear can be paralyzing when it's not welcomed. It can stop you from accomplishing what God wants you to do, prevent you from moving forward, and cause you mental harm (if you let it). Let's see what the Bible has to say when there are moments of fear:  Let's break down the scripture:  Acknowledge the fact that God didn't give you His Spirit so you can fear. God never wanted you to feel fear. Emotions can lie to you. Circumstances shouldn't shake you to remove your faith in God.  There's no fear God can't remove from your life.  God's Spirit is powerful enough against anything trying to tear you down. Able to give you strength on the days you need it the most.  God gave you a Spirit of love and was able to keep your mind sober. Meaning able to counsel you so that you won't take the wrong turn in life. Learn that fear is only an emotion but there's unhealthy fear. There's normal fear.  An example would be:  when there's any kind of danger.

Wardrobe Selections Free MasterClass

 Here is a simple, free masterclass. Enjoy!  Click the picture for a larger view!


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